The Four Little Lions...
Our Halloween was followed by an equally awesome All Souls Day. We went to church and spent some time with Ethan at the cemetery. The weather gorgeous so we decided to head on over to the city for some Sunday afternoon randomness. We ended up at Fisherman's Wharf and stumbled upon pretty cool FREE stuff to do. :) SF was unusually quiet thanks to the Bay Bridge closure. Parking was phenomenal that weekend. It was such a good day! We went to Musee Mechanique and an exhibit called Plastiki. Naturally, I played paparazzi and took tons of pictures...
I love unplanned outings! You never quite know where the day will take you. Weekends like this make me wonder how the hell I managed to work seven days a week all those years! I missed out on so many opportunities to do cool stuff with the kids. Even though it I hate NOT being in school (and not raking in the dough by working weekends), I'm glad that I finally have the chance to make up for lost time. Family time rocks. :)
The rest of the week dragged on. I loathe going back to work when the weekend is so super awesome. Excitement returned back into my life by Thursday (11/5). Niki woke up with a fever (99.5) and Anthony was complaining of "ears herding". I HAD to go to work, but managed to get an appointment for the kids pretty damn close to my lunch hour. Thankfully, Niki's fever never reached 101.5. It turns out that Niki and Anthony had infections in the same ear. (The right one.) Amoxcillin was set to be our "best friend" twice a day for 10 days. Whoopie! Anthony also appeared to have the early signs of "viral conjunctivitis" so, because their Pediatrician is super awesome, she decided to send both kids home with eye drops "just in case".
For the record, I *totally* thought the "same ear infection debacle" was the cutest thing ever since Anthony and Annika BFF.
Hey....when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade right? ;-)
I work two floors up from Pediatrics. Lugging around the two kids by my lonesome triggered my asthma so I had to go to my desk (with the sick kids in tow) to pick up my inhaler. Bad decision on my part. Apparently, I caused tiny panic with a few unnamed co-workers who freaked out from being around my kids. Their ear infections and *possible* eye infections made one of my co-workers uneasy. I felt like such an ass. I honestly didn't think anything of it when I brought them upstairs with me, ya know? I figured that we see sicker people (see: H1N1 cases) on a daily basis. Nevertheless, after I got my breathing back in order, my manager nicely advised me to get my germ-spreading children home...stat!
Ugh, so embarrassing.
When I got back to work I apologized to my co-workers. Really, I felt like such a dork. Thank goodness it was Thursday when this happened! That meant I didn't have to feel uncomfortable for much longer. As it turned out, my germ-spreading fiasco was quickly overshadowed by the afternoon anyway. There was a HUGE departmental change (see: drama) that affected some of my own interpersonal relationships. After everything that happened with Ethan (and the support they gave me) I look at my co-workers as my friends too. Needless to say, I was pretty bummed for the rest of the day.
Friday ended up totally sucking too thanks to said "co-worker drama".
On the upside, I spent my weekend indoors just being lazy. I needed to recuperate from the week's events anyway. And, the kids needed some rest too. Meanwhile...the Amoxicillin worked its magic. Boo and Niki were much better by the end of the weekend.
More "catching up" to come...
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