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Friday, October 23, 2009

From X-rated to X'ed Out


I wasn't selected for the Fall training. I was told that the organization has to give priority for Fall seating to "field professionals" that would be able to immediately utilize the education. Maybe it was the acid reflux attack? Nevertheless, I was up against some pretty impressive people. I wouldn't pick me either if I had to choose from psychotherapists, family practitioners, and actual sex workers!

So the bad news is I can't start the fall training. I have to "x" that off my list. The good news is I CAN go into the Spring training program. :) you already life is ever-evolving so who knows what will be going on in my neck of the woods by next Spring.

Ya never know, I could be pregnant again.

I'm totally kidding, but the only thing that could *possibly* hinder my ability to start the Spring training would be Niki's port surgery. Obviously my special little gal comes first, but do me a favor and keep your fingers crossed that I won't have to *temporarily* "x" it off of my "Things to Do Before I Die" list. :)

In other news...I'm home sick with the flu.

Actually, I've had laryngitis since last Wednesday (10/14). I pretty much sounded like Marge Simpson but ignored it and went to work and social gatherings anyway. Then on Monday I woke up with a slight fever. I saw my doctor and she told me to "rest my voice". I was off for two days and stopped sounding like Marge. Things were starting to look up when I went back to work on Wednesday. That is until I woke up yesterday morning and discovered that I got hit with the flu.

It feels like my body was stomped on by elephants.

With the swine flu scare that has been going on my doctor pretty much sent me home. I'm supposed to return to work NEXT Thursday as a precaution. Although I welcome the "vacation", I am not getting paid for it since I exhausted all of my sick time during my maternity leave.
We were supposed to go to Gilroy Gardens tomorrow, but it looks like I have to "x" that off my list as well.

Oh the life....I'm all x'ed out people!

Now....back to yet another drug induced sleep-fest. :)

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