This past Saturday consisted of total randomness. I participated in an art show that was sandwiched in between a trip to a "candy shoppe" and "sake bomb" central. See, told you it was random!
Onto the update...
My SIL turned 16 last week so her birthday party was just this past Saturday 3/20/10. It was a candy shoppe theme because --duh-- it was her "Sweet Sixteen". I did a lot of internet research to put this party together. The party was very budget friendly thanks to the blogosphere, tutorials on Martha Stewart, google, various dollar spots, and my 6th grade-induced obsession with gumdrops! I was dying to make a bridge or DNA instead of a candy wreath. Here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.

The mini cheesecakes were courtesy of my friend M (owner) of Tiny Treats. She also did Niki's party. Check her out here.

Unfortunately, I spent a majority of the party making some last minute touches on my piece for my friend's art benefit. So, my actual interaction with the "candy shoppe patrons" was limited. Contributing to the art show was very intimidating since the other participants were "real artists" with MFAs and everything. This of course meant that I experienced a heightened level of self-criticism when it came to my piece. It was totally nerve-wrecking to watch people stare and analyze my creation. (Which was really just Niki's tea tree with symbolic stuff added onto it.) I'm sooo NOT the artsy girl from She's All That. Nevertheless, it was an eye-opening experience and making the piece was very therapeutic. I even got a business card out of it. Not that I'm going to call the person or anything.;)

This was almost taller than me!

"Communion" at the "Sin Eater Cafe"

The dolphin woman/sin eater (it was kind of creepy looking, no?)

You can't really see it in the picture, but all of the art show attendees were pushed into "dream land" on a bed. Pretty creative, huh? We were enjoying the art show when I received a "random" text message. It was an invite to have cocktails with John's girl cousins and cousin-in-law! :) After having very little sleep/food/rest from the party/art show prep, that invitation couldn't have come at a better time. Even though she was probably exhausted from the party, my MIL was gracious enough to watch the cubs so I could unwind. She's a saint, I'm telling you. :) I was able to close my random day with a tons-o-fun over slew of sake bombs, good music, an unexpected trip on the GG Bridge, and a brief lock out from the house. I would have took pictures, but my phone died. Stole this pic from FB. (Thanks, Eener!)

Onto the update...
My SIL turned 16 last week so her birthday party was just this past Saturday 3/20/10. It was a candy shoppe theme because --duh-- it was her "Sweet Sixteen". I did a lot of internet research to put this party together. The party was very budget friendly thanks to the blogosphere, tutorials on Martha Stewart, google, various dollar spots, and my 6th grade-induced obsession with gumdrops! I was dying to make a bridge or DNA instead of a candy wreath. Here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Unfortunately, I spent a majority of the party making some last minute touches on my piece for my friend's art benefit. So, my actual interaction with the "candy shoppe patrons" was limited. Contributing to the art show was very intimidating since the other participants were "real artists" with MFAs and everything. This of course meant that I experienced a heightened level of self-criticism when it came to my piece. It was totally nerve-wrecking to watch people stare and analyze my creation. (Which was really just Niki's tea tree with symbolic stuff added onto it.) I'm sooo NOT the artsy girl from She's All That. Nevertheless, it was an eye-opening experience and making the piece was very therapeutic. I even got a business card out of it. Not that I'm going to call the person or anything.;)

You can't really see it in the picture, but all of the art show attendees were pushed into "dream land" on a bed. Pretty creative, huh? We were enjoying the art show when I received a "random" text message. It was an invite to have cocktails with John's girl cousins and cousin-in-law! :) After having very little sleep/food/rest from the party/art show prep, that invitation couldn't have come at a better time. Even though she was probably exhausted from the party, my MIL was gracious enough to watch the cubs so I could unwind. She's a saint, I'm telling you. :) I was able to close my random day with a tons-o-fun over slew of sake bombs, good music, an unexpected trip on the GG Bridge, and a brief lock out from the house. I would have took pictures, but my phone died. Stole this pic from FB. (Thanks, Eener!)

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